Here's just a small sampling of the work I have produced, delivered, and in many cases installed over the years.

For the #SharkHouse in Guilford, VT completed and installed September 2020.

For the #SharkHouse in Guilford, VT completed and installed September 2020.


As featured in the Rhode Island Monthly, this work has been commissioned several times and continues to be a signature example. While there have been variations in size, and in color, this glass panel window is a personal favorite as a Jamestowner.

The mermaid

I've created a variety of mermaids, of all sizes. This one in particular was one of the largest, and another example of custom work. 24x36 stained glass panel of a surfacing Mermaid with her treasure.

A typical table display

Whether on the road for a farmer's market, artisan sale, craft show, or gallery sale I tend to bring a variety of items that showcase the types of work that showcase the aesthetic of my work. Perhaps, you will see me at any upcoming event. Watch the Calendar for listings or use the contact form if you'd like to invite or reach me.