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A spirited encounter in Harrisville, RI.

I'll admit, I am paranormal fan and a lover of a good scary movie. Last Saturday was an opportunity to connect with both while attending day one of the annual Ocean State ParaCon event in Harrisville, Rhode Island. The organizers of OSPC each year bring to the state a variety of notable names in the paranormal field all while supporting a local charity; This year's charity was Families Reaching Into Each New Day, or Friends Way, a family bereavement center in Rhode Island. This year was my first attendance, but not my first with one of the featured guests.

Andrea Perron, the oldest of five daughters from Roger and Carolyn Perron, has her own story to tell and she was present at OSPC this last Saturday along with her father doing just that. While the 2013 film, The Conjuring, emphasized ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warren the film really is the story of the Perron family and their experience from 1971 in an old farmhouse in northern Rhode Island; The film was scripted but drew in first-hand accounts and notes from the living family members. Now herself an author, Andrea has published not one but three volumes from their experiences in her "House of Darkness, House of Light" series and is actively attending events like this one to talk with attendees, as she did with me on Saturday. We had met once before, I had attended another local (though much larger) convention last year where Perron was featured as a guest speaker, but this time I arrived prepared. As a spiritual person, Andrea (or "Annie" as her father called to her during our conversation) just being in her presence may change your day from darkness to light. On this occasion, the atmosphere in Harrisville was suited to the glow she resonated under the tent and shade of the large chestnut tree of the grounds.

Leading up to last Saturday, we had Ocean State ParaCon on our summer list of activities but as with most schedules there is always a lot of flux. In fact, it is was up until Friday evening that the final confirmation to go was determined over dinner. This would not normally be a concern, but looking back to 2017 I had a clear vision for a particular project I had to create for Andrea as a gift. Even though the clock was about to strike 9 p.m. on the drive home, it was into the studio I'd go as the front door opened at 20 Keel. The project was not to be too substantial or grand scale, but would be no less effort on my part to create and deliver something meaningful to this family.

For those that had seen the film or locally known of the story surrounding their encounter, the property and the house in particular is significant. My project would be a combined painted (kiln-fired) and stained glass window panel of the Perron homestead with an emphasis on spiritual elements taken from Perron's first volume of "House of Darkness, House of Light" and the film of The Conjuring. Working and firing the glass into the night, I will admit there was a possibility I felt the work would not be completed in time given the late start yet I was compelled to finish and with my best effort. In the photos, I share the pre-assembled panel along with images taken from my presentation to Andrea and Roger on Saturday.

Sometimes there are individuals we encounter that offer such kindness openly even as we exist as strangers. The sense of comfort and safety from their gentle touch of an arm, or heartfelt hug; This may have been my last encounter with Andrea Perron, and she may have hugged every attendee as strongly but regardless the moments in time she shared with me and my family made this one long night's hard work worth my effort. 

Thank you Andrea, and safe travels.
